Sunday, April 18, 2010

Finally Joining the Blogging World

There are some things that occupy a great deal of time. Piano practicing. Sports. Church. Relationships. Blogs. I have a avoided having a blog for quite some time, mostly because I knew, in order for it to be successful, it would occupy more time than I would want to give it. I love reading other people's blogs: I love seeing pictures of old friends, I love clever writing, and I love recipe blogs. "I can't find your blog" -- is what I have been told numerous times. And my excuse: I'm waiting for kids and no career.

Well. I have finally succumbed. I am still more career woman than mother, however, as "Shark/Poopsie" 's due date approaches, I decided a blog is much more conducive than 5 social networking sites, so we can easily post pictures, document experiences, and share this crazy rite of passage.

Blogging goals: 1) Share pictures of our little growing child and our family's adventures. 2)Document kitchen creations or thrilling recipes that must be shared. 3) Stay in touch with lovely people we meet throughout our lives.

Feel free to comment. I will try and post interesting things. Mark is eager to post though he might be less excited to document his own kitchen creations. :) Enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. Good job and congratulations "blogger" You're darling, and I can't wait to see the results of your 9 month incubation! Love you two/soon to be three!


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