A year ago we were in the hospital pushing hard (in fact at this exact hour, I was ready to be done with contractions, pushing and any form of pain). If you missed that story, you can find it here.
Recap of the year in pictures
We decided he looks pretty much the same after he lost all his hair (2 months and on). Slimmer cheeks, 2 big teeth, but that same cute smile all year long.
He's looking forward to his birthday dinner of creamed sweet potatoes and peas, followed by a little cake action this weekend.
Balancing between cuteness and torture (it was only 85 degrees outside)
Balancing the fine line between two types of mothering: helicopter hoverer or carefree & wild
(I'm all about letting him taste, and then pulling it out)
And... balancing our body weight on little chubby feet
Woo hoo! We didn't even have to practice that one. I just got my hands pushed away.
We'll keep on balancing sanity by picking up the same toys 10 times in one day, finding time to read a book and weaning this child off of mom and over to the real cow! 12 months next week.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Grandma came and went. One rainy day, one sunny Sunday that was so busy, Grandma got to hang out with Jackson all day long. She claims it was heaven.
Despite all the wisdom and experience Grandma brought, we have only heightened the issue of clothing and diapering the kid. Any advice? Doesn't matter if we do it on the floor or the changing table. Both places inspire instant body turning and crawling away. Mad screaming accompanies any attempt to put the diaper or clothes on. New toys work, but only once. (By new toys, I mean various household items I'm willing to sacrifice for the sanity of clothing Jackson. We're running out of items fast!) Any secrets would be well appreciated.
On other fronts, all things that rest 2-3 feet above the ground are officially on red alert. In a house of our size, there are really only so many things that can be put on a high shelf. I feel like I've rearranged things so many times, there's little hope for finding any new spots. Luckily most of our stuff is cheap. So, I guess if a fifteen year old boom box, or the VHS player end up dying it's ok.
Jackson and I had to go find an new alarm clock for Mark this week. This hand-me down from who knows what decade, finally turfed out when Jackson tested it's ability to withstand Newton's 1st law of Motion. I guess Jackson is trying to move us to the current century.
Ironically, that front plate was already missing, and the thing still works. It just has a buzzing noise that won't stop, and won't let us sleep. I'm trying to decide if it's needed elsewhere in the house ;)
Clothing? Diapers? Really. They are not a universal necessity. Only one of the western world's numerous "needs". Jackson cares little for either one. The green marker is a distraction to enable this runaway horse to be saddled and clothed.
Sometime he wins. As of yet he has not peed on the floor.
Good thing Grandma's coming this weekend. She said she's really excited to do the little things like get Jackson dressed and change his diaper. Oohh... she's so innocent.
In other realms of the house--
We learned that "Dishwasher Safe" does not mean "Stovetop" safe. Good thing it was one of those extra niceties.
We did have to run this for the rest of the day. It was a wee bit stinky with all those man made fumes roaming about. I thought of calling poison control, but was too embarrassed.
Hopefully the smell is gone by the time Grandma gets here.
Monday was a big day for Jackson. He pulled himself up to standing, whined the whole day about not being able to walk by himself, and officially turned 11 months.
We're all about 12 month clothes around here, and everything the big boys do. Every time I set Jackson down to crawl around, he plants his feet firmly on the ground, makes his body as stiff as a board and refuses to bend. Apparently crawling is so last month. Generally I'm of the opinion "fine, you can lay here", but other times, I cringe at the thought of hearing that potential angry scream and I'll hold his hands as he toddles around.
His favorite place to go is the bathroom. We try and keep the door closed, since he seems to enjoy latching on to this fine friend. And by latching, I mean with his mouth. Yes. Gross.
A close second remains the piano. On whiny days like Monday, we were at the piano for many extended periods. He discovered the standing and playing technique on Sunday, and feels it adds a new dynamic to his compositions. I'm thinking of sticking his high chair in front of the instrument. It would have to be lowered, trayless, and Jackson would have to be strapped in because of he has a particular love for high and low pitches.
We toddle over to the park (in the stroller) most days. What a relief for both of us. Fresh air, swings and slides. This is where he really seems like a big boy.
Enjoy the innocence of youthful glee in this little clip.
Bonus pic. So proud that he could rip his bib off and continue eating. Oh boy.